
Energy is currently a popular subject.

Although many people use terms like personal energy or energy work, few have actually defined energy or explained how to apply it to real-world situations, such as your business, in order to improve your results.  

If you’re curious or feel burnt out and require something different…

This video series will provide practical insights and powerful shifts about energy that you can implement right now to increase your sales, regardless of the market conditions. This video series will cover the following topics:

  • Why use energy in your business?
  • What is the difference between your energy and your mindset?
  • How can energy benefit your business?
  • How are you different, and how does it impact those around you?
  • The combination of energy and action is a recipe for success.
  • What happens when you get off track?
  • Change your story – your life is meant to be amazing right now!

About Nicole Mangina

Nicole Mangina has been a top-selling real estate agent in the Seattle area for over 25 years. In her quest to master business AND have a life she loves, Nicole has found a few tricks along the way that make all the difference.

She’s been sharing these secrets with agents and entrepreneurs since 2010 and finds great joy in seeing others succeed. The cornerstone of her teachings focuses on the energy we bring to everything we do. It’s the foundation, catalyst, and turbocharger for everything we do in all areas of our lives.

Energy is a common word these days, but not many can teach others how to master it intentionally and direct it. Yet, once you figure this out, it’s the difference between everything coming together magically and an uphill battle every step of the way. 

OnTrack Agent
Author: OnTrack Agent
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