navigating real estate markets

Navigating Real Estate Markets with Tammy Wittren

Every quarter, over the last decade, Tammy Wittren has presented economic information that is specific to helping Real Estate Agents in the United States. In this presentation, Tammy makes sense for the average real estate agent, both the Global and National influences, policies, and news that impact the real estate markets. By the end, you will have the information you need to relay to your clients (both buyers and sellers) and be able to guide them through the current market adjustments, and for you to start navigating real estate markets.

Tammy will cover:

  1. The Federal Reserve and the three current issues that concern real estate

  2. Quantitative Tightening – What is it and how will it impact our businesses?

  3. Covid Stimulus – Did it help or hinder?

  4. The Economic Losers in the New World Order

  5. World GDP

  6. The impact of the Russian/Ukraine War here at home

  7. An update on China’s Economy and how that impacts the United States Real Estate Market

  8. Unemployment, drivers, and things to consider when looking at your real estate prospects

  9. Consumer Debt and Credit. Why Real Estate Agents should know, and care.

  10. National Imports and, Exports and Consumer Price Index.

  11. Energy: Oil, Gas, Electricity

  12. US Existing Homes Sales and New Construction Overview

Links to the videos used in this presentation:

Federal Funds Rate

Quantitative Tightening

Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

The Loan Programs Office

World Economic Growth

The Chinese Economy

About Tammy Wittren

Tammy has established herself as a prominent figure within the Mortgage and Real Estate Industry, boasting over 25 years of comprehensive experience within the realm of homebuying processes. Consistently ranking among the top 0.5% of all loan originators nationally, year after year, Tammy’s influence and expertise are unmistakably evident. Notably, Tammy’s remarkable achievements landed her among the top 60 Female Loan Originators in the United States in 2020.

Tammy’s success story is centered around the integration of refined procedures and systems into the mortgage process, ensuring the delivery of unparalleled customer service. Her coaching prowess revolves around instilling a novel perspective in their students – encouraging them to highlight their unique value proposition by offering substantial benefits, rather than indulging in self-centered promotion. While acknowledging the initial necessity of self-promotion, Tammy’s coaching philosophy underscores the enduring importance of integrity, character, and the consistent delivery of promises for long-term success.

Tammy’s guiding principle resonates deeply: a steadfast belief that unwavering service, devoid of ulterior motives, inevitably invites abundance in return.

OnTrack Agent
Author: OnTrack Agent
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